Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Shows How Much I Know!

Man oh man! Today was SO hard! We had her doctor's appointment at 8:40. I had been up since 3 a.m., rocking and feeding this little babe. I think I got 2 and a half hours total, only because my Mom came and took her from me at one point. I feel like such a bad Mom sometimes for giving her over to my Mom. Like I'm being too selfish or something. I guess I need to remember that to be a good Mom, I need to take care of myself too. Especially while I HAVE the help. Anyway, so my night didn't run too smoothly and I was getting more an more nervous about the appointment. I decided to feed her right before we left, so she'd have a better chance of sleeping through the traumatizing stuff. I feel like she could sense that something bad was coming, she kept getting really antsy and fussy as we were getting ready to go. I asked my Mom to strap her into her carseat and that's when the NIGHTMARE began!!!!

She HATED being confined in something and hated the idea of going into a car even more! Her screams sounded like she was being tortured in a dungeon, it was HORRIBLE. We were late too, by 10 mins at least. Even though the office is about 5 mins away, it was the LONGEST drive in my LIFE!! I was sitting in the back with her and noticed right as we were leaving that my Mom (bless her) had strapped her in completely wrong. She didn't have any straps over her shoulders, they were squishing her middle instead! How that made sense when putting it on, I don't know, but I know that it was SO SAD to have to un-do it and fix it when she was already in complete agony. Then after I fixed it, she started sucking and gulping in air, like she hadn't eaten in days. I had JUST fed her and obviously couldn't do anything at that moment, but feel bad. So, we finally get there and she still hasn't calmed down, her volume reaching an all time high. We walked into the waiting room and of course are given a clipboard of paperwork to fill out, how they expected me to do that while consoling my baby, I have no clue, but I took it. Thank GOODNESS my Mom was there or I would have started bawling with Layla and that would have been a REAL scene. It's crazy, because when your baby cries or is hurting or uncomfortable, YOU feel it! I never really understood that about parenting, but OH MY it's the WORST! I couldn't focus or consentrate on anything while she was so upset. Her little wrinkled up face was turning all shades of red with that little lip quivering. OH! So the doctor took forever and had to undress her, which onlly made things a million times worse. Her whole body started to shiver! They weighed her and found that she has almost lost an entire pound!!!! I was really surprised and discouraged, because it's MY job to fatten her up! PLUS she does have some jaundice, so we were sent to the hospital right after that to have her levels checked.

Okay, so the doctor's visit didn't go too well. I don't think there was ever more than 5 mins without Layla cries. She HATED getting back into the carseat and HATED having to drive somewhere else. Once we got to the hospital, she had miraculously fallen asleep (probably from sheer exaustion). We made our way to the lab, psyching up for another rough ordeal. They poked her in her foot to draw some blood (just imagine how fun that was) and then we were directed to see a lactation consultant (because of her weight loss) :(

This is where the story takes a turn... The lactation nurse was a goddess!! She had the answers to all my problems!! She showed me a few little tricks and BAM! Layla was eating better and longer than ever! Right after I fed her, the new way, she immediately relaxed and slept SO well. I love that lady. Anyway, things are much better now and I have new found hope for our future :)

Sorry no new pictures, just rambling on about my baby :)

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