Saturday, March 29, 2008

Layla Update

Here's a little peek into the past...
My teeny tiny, brand new baby Layla!
She will be 7 mo. old tomorrow!! She had a Doc. check-up this last week and now weighs in at 17lbs. 9oz. and is 27 in. long. So that's about 65% for weight and 77% for height. Growing so quickly. I can't believe she used to be so little!
I am so blessed to know her. Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing okay, or really have what it takes to be a good Mom, but then I stop and think... Heavenly Father must really love me to have shared such a precious spirit with me. I belive that he knows me through and through. Well enough to have designed this special baby just for me. I like to imagine him rooting me on, up there in Heaven, especially when I'm having a hard time. It makes me feel better equiped to handle the tough stuff... and even the little things. Becoming a Mother has changed me more than I have ever imagined. I have been tried and tested to limits I didn't even know existed! But my capacity for loving another person has overwhelmingly increased, past all comprehension. I love the feelings I have when she smiles, or gently feels my hair when she eats, how she makes little squeaky sounds when she wakes up, and snuggles up on my chest when she's tired. I especially love it when she looks at me. Not the casual look, but the "I know you and love you more than anything" look (kind of a lingering look that almost always ends in a sweet little smile). I usually am lucky enough to get that look at least once a day and it's something I never want forget.
I love her!! Sorry for the "mushy" entry, I'm just so overwhelmed with "Layla Love" tonight and I just wanted to share.


Neeley said...

I completely agree. That love and wonderment never changes no matter how many children you have. I have to say that I will never forget when I brought Bayley home. I think I had more time to think about those things. Right now I need new moms like you to remind me. Gotta go save max from getting hit with kitchen food by sweet Ruby.

Greg and Michelle said...

It has already been said, but I completely agree as well! Being a mom is the hardest thing but the best thing that has ever happened to me as well. Who would have thought such a tiny person could change your life forever?
We went to my brother and sister in-laws' baby blessing today, so thats why we weren't at church, but we want to get together with you guys before you leave. What day do you guys leave again?

Thanks for the post because it really made me stop and think about my little man as well!

Jon and Sarah Jackson Family said...

You are just such a natural with this motherhood thing. I should take notes!

Megan Marie said...

what a sweet entry. I think it's important to write those thoughts down whenever possible because that's the stuff that gets you through the rough days. I loved the talk given in the Saturday afternoon session of General Conference to young mothers. It touched my heart and reminded me that the greatest joy comes in the little things. I sure love you and I am glad for your example. Be safe, talk to you soon!