Friday, August 24, 2007

No More Junk

Tired of being BIG

This is the first day in about a week that I actually put make-up on a curled my hair a bit. It's nice to look normal every once and a while. :) Everything is so much more work than normal. Like doing the dishes! Sheesh... who knew I'd need a rester after doing something so little. Yeah, and forget about me carrying all that laundry upstairs. Tanner now knows that when he sees a folded pile down here, it's his duty to haul it up to the bedroom. He's so nice to me. Well sometimes he says mean things, but I don't always think he realizes it. Like last night for example, I was complaining about him buying too much junk food. He likes having chips, cookies, and ice cream on a regular basis and I know that usually this is a very normal thing. BUT when you have a big pregnant lady in your house, she'll devour anything in site, thus creating a problem when you want an ice cream cone and the carton is empty. PLUS those foods really do help you get fat about 10 times faster! I used to be very good at small portions and just having the will power to say NO, but that has disappeared somewhere. Anywho, back to the subject... I was complaining saying that I need to surround myself with better food options, so I'll have less to splurge on. Tanner rolls over in bed, looks me square in the eye and says, "Just be stronger, don't eat it." or something like that. I know he meant no harm, but OUCH! I'm not strong enough?? Well he's probably right, but couldn't he have said something a little more kind instead of just slapping me across the face? ehh I know, I'm overreacting again. He loves me, I know he does. I woke up this morning and saw that he had taken all the cookies with him! You may think I'm insane, but to me this was such a loving gesture! I love my Tanner and am very proud of myself today, for getting ready like a real person and eating much better (fewer cookies anyway :)

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