Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Family Pictures

The lights were really bright and about a million people were calling her name so she'd look at the camera.

My Mom, Layla, and I. (She didn't like this pose very much)My brother Paul and his super pretty girlfriend Kayla.
Tanner and I
Up close
My loves
Us again
The McGee kids
My family (my Mom loves Layla, can you tell?)

Here's a picture where my left arm makes me look like Stretch Armstrong.

She was making a super funny face

This has been a crazy couple of days and I think my heads still in a fog, trying to process it all. Plus I am SOOO sleep deprived!! Layla is sick and it keeps getting worse. Her nose is completely stuffed up and of course it's majorly worse at night. She sounds SO pathetic, it makes me cry. Tanner and I haven't been able to do anything fun together yet, because of all of my stupid doctor appointments... I've had stupid doctor appointments. My body hurts. And Tanner is still sleeping on an air mattress in my room, because the bed isn't big enough for all three of us (yes, Layla will NOT sleep outside of the bed yet, especially now that she's sick).

Sorry this was just a big blog full of complaints and depressing "feel sorry for myself" stuff. I know it's going to be okay and I will feed MUCH better once I get some sleep. Goodnight!


Greg and Michelle said...

I love your family pictures! You have the most beautiful family. I'm sorry that things are going rough for you. You are quite the trooper I think. It is so hard to have a sick baby on top of it all too. I hope that she starts to feel better and that you do too!

Megan Marie said...

what a great looking family! Those are such precious photos!