Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Day in Nature

Gwen has finally recovered from her little cold and we decided that we desperately needed some sun. Layla chose to feed the ducks, so off to Nature Park we went!

This picture was taken moments before Gwen stuffed a huge handful of grass in her mouth and consequently threw up all over the place. Wonderful imagery right?
Layla was DEATHLY afraid of the geese, saying, "Please don't eat me!!!! I'm a nice girl!" over and over. I placed her on top of a picnic table and made her feel much more secure. She was content with throwing her bread from up high and although she didn't smile much, she really did enjoy herself.
We walked to a little bridge and spotted a lone duck below. Layla insisted that this was her ducky and he was SOOOOO hungry for his dinner.
Our little duck friend.
She kept saying, "He's saying, "Thank you, thank you Layla. This bread is soooooo tasty!"
A shady spot to relax... and take pictures.
A BIG dandelion.
When Layla saw this picture, she exclaimed, "I look like the Santa Claus! Like my beard?"

Here's some proof that I truly exist... and have dirt smudged on my forehead. Lovely.

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