Monday, January 21, 2008

A Steveson Update

My tired Baby... (Tanner says he looks pregnant in this picture :)
Bishop Samuelson painted this picture of the new Rexburg Temple and gave us a print! I post this now, because we went to the Temple Open House tonight with our friends Luke and Haylee. It was BEAUTIFUL! Such a special experience to go with my little family. Although Layla started screaming at one point and finally fell asleep once we got to the Sealing Room. All in all, it was really nice.
Some of the best cookies that I've made here in Rexburg! Just the way Tanner likes them, still a little gooey in the middle :) And, I don't like a ton of chocolate chips, so it's perfect for me too!

Today was a good day. Although, I bet Layla would disagree. Tanner had the day off from school and work, which was a treat. He drove Layla and I to the Doctor this morning for her 4 month check up. A little late, I know. She's almost 5 months now, but we were in WA when it was originally scheduled. Anyway, she weighs 15lbs. 5oz. and was 25 inches long. She got her shots too... which I HATE!! I was so glad to have Tanner there, to hold MY hand! She was a trooper, screamed for a minute, but settled down really quickly and was happy as a clam for the first half of the day. Things seemed to take a turn for the worse when she woke up from her afternoon nap. Thank goodness for tylenol! We made cookies at home, met the neighbors, and then went to the Temple!

Layla's hair is slowly turning blonde! It's really cute. Most of her baby hair has fallen out and is now being replaced by peach fuzz. She rolls over every day now too. Only in her crib when she's fussing, but still! She grabs for everything in sight, including her own hands. Super cute. She screams a lot now too... well it's more like a squeal, but it's SOOOO loud. It seems like she'll do it at the worst times. Like during Sacrament Meeting, or on our drive home on the shuttle when everyone is trying to sleep. Oh well, she's a goofy girl, but we love her!

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