Thursday, November 18, 2010


Seems as though I just blinked and Halloween was over.
We had fun, we really did.
Layla was Cinderella by request, actually had her mind made since last Halloween.
And Gwennie, she was supposed to be a cupcake, but the costume sold out. So... she was a pumpkin. Can't go wrong as a pumpkin... when you're a baby at least.
We went to our ward's Halloween party. It was so much fun seeing all the creative costumes. Did I get pictures of them??
Shoulda coulda woulda.

This is Sister Murri. Our hero. She sits with the girls and I on Sunday, while my husband is off prancing around in some single student ward... psh!
Just kidding Tanner, love you.

We also went to Tanner's ward's Halloween party.
Layla was quite mesmerized by all the student's costumes.
I think she stared at the guy dressed as The King (from the Burger King commercials) for like 10 mins straight. She's doing that here...
(did I get a picture of him?? nope.)

And Gwen's love affair with sugar has officially begun.
She inhaled this sucker in a matter of minutes.
Did you know they made tootsie roll pops in banana flavor?

Ahh the beautiful Rexburg sunsets. What a beautiful sky.
Happy late, late, late, late, late Halloween.

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