Thursday, July 23, 2009


Our new home...

(well, it's actually Tanner's new home for the next 3 months)

Tanner got an internship!! YAHOO!! My husband is seriously the most hardworking guy I know and it has been so tough watching him apply for internship after internship with no luck. Heavenly Father is certainly blessing him for his hard work with this new opportunity. Although, that doesn't mean that He makes it EASY. 

One thing I've learned in my semi short life is that most things worth having take sacrifice. Well, it's been a tough decision making process for our family, especially considering the new baby that'll be coming in November. We've finally decided that it'd be best if Layla and I stay with family in Washington and have the baby there. This will help us tremendously! Tanner won't have to worry about his pregnant wife and toddler being alone in Idaho and I will have the help I need with 2 little ones. 

It hurts my heart a little, thinking that Tanner may not be there for the birth of our second child, but I truly feel that Sacramento is where he is supposed to be. I know that this is only a brief period of our lives and we will be blessed in the long run for following the promptings that we receive. I hope that Layla survives all the traveling that's ahead!! 

Here's a rough travel schedule:

1st: Drive from Rexburg to Washington. (Get myself set up with a Doctor and bring all of the things we'll need to live there for a few months... crib, clothes, baby supplies, etc...)
2nd: Drive (or fly) to Sacramento, CA for Tanner's internship. We'll be going with him at first just to help him get settled and have a little fun as a family.
3rd: Layla and I will fly back to WA and get settled and ready to have a baby.
(Hopefully Tanner will be able to fly up to WA in time to be with us for the birth)
4th: Tanner will then travel up to WA to be with us for Christmas and then prepare us to...
5th: Drive back to Rexburg!!

CRAZY!! But it's exciting too! Well we aren't ready yet, but hopefully we'll be close to it by the time we need to go. I'm going to miss my friends in Rexburg while we're gone and it really makes me sad to think that some people will be moving away while we're gone! Thankfully we have the internet to keep us all linked! So that's that...

Wish us luck!


Julia said...

That is very exciting for you guys! Let us know if we can do anything to help to get ready to leave. Good Luck and have fun!

Kyle and Alyssa said...

WOW! What a big move! I am glad that you got an internship that works for you. I hope Tanner is there as well. Good luck with all that traveling. We wish you the best!

Megan Marie said...

We'll have to keep in touch, since we'll be going through something so similar! You can give me coping tips. I'm excited for the internship! How cool!

The Bedke Fam said...

oh wowzers! congrats to tanner on the internship. and good luck with all the traveling. i'm gonna miss you when we come back to rexburg. but we'll see you in january right? :)