Thursday, March 12, 2009

Layla's New Friend

Layla and I went to the park today, because it was so sunny out! We were hoping for ducks, but were in luck to find this nice old doggy instead. Layla was in HEAVEN! She LOVES animals, especially dogs. On the ride to the park, she kept saying, "kuck, kuck" (that her version of "quack") because I told her we'd be seeing duckies. Right when she saw the dog, it immediately switched to, "ooof, ooof!!" and she loves to pant like a dog. So silly.

She had a permanent smile on her face!

She chased this dog for about a half hour! The owners were very kind.

She would walk right up to her and take her ball. I told her to throw it, so she would go get it. She somehow mistook that for throwing it in the dog's face. She didn't seem to mind. The dog's owners said she was used to a bunch of grandkids. That made me feel better. Thankfully I had a bunch of wipes to clean that slobber off her hands too!

1 comment:

Greg and Michelle said...

How cute! What park did you guys go to?