Monday, August 23, 2010

The "Pretty Places"

Today we collected as many pennies as we could find (maybe 9) and headed to the school gardens to make wishes in the ponds.

The minute we saw the first pond, Layla chucked her whole handful of pennies into the water, yelling, "I wish! I wish to go to Disneyland!!"
So that was that.

We found some more "pretty places" and took a few photos, it was lovely.

(Don't even get me started on how difficult it is to get both girls to look at the camera)

As we were walking out to the car, Layla immediately exclaims,
"And now we're going to Disneyland!"
If it were only that simple.


Miriam Lusk said...

Your girls are so gorgeous! Have fun at Disneyland!

Ally said...

That's funny!! Beautiful girls, preschool will be fun!

Greg and Michelle said...

Great pictures! What a fun idea! Hopefully somedays her wish will come true:)