Friday, January 25, 2013


These two little sidekicks are the best!
I'm so lucky to be able to share my days with them.
I hope that someday they'll be really close and have that special sister connection that I only dreamed about.

Gwen and Maggie really are a funny team.
Gwen is a little comedian, yet a bit more quiet, more reserved. 
Subtle humor.
Maggie is loud, unapologetic, just lets loose. 
In your face.

I love seeing how their little personalities fit into our family.
The most beautiful little girls, inside and out.
I feel like I've won the lottery! 

She's thinking...

and has an idea!

"Mom, I'm Santa Claus!"

I know there's an excessive amount of pictures... 
Congratulations! You've made it through them all!
I have the hardest time narrowing it down...
so I don't!


Unknown said...

Ah, they match! Your girls are so beautiful. I love Maggie's cheeks!! And I love seeing all the pictures, it's fun.

kinsie said...

I love all the pics too...the more the merrier! Your girls are BEAUTIFUL!